Empowering Youth to protect their futures by avoiding non-marital sexual activity

Growing up safer, smarter and stronger

Youth are more likely to avoid non-marital sex when they hear a consistent sexual risk avoidance message from multiple sources … including parents, youth leaders, church, and community organizations. Yet, parents feel ill-equipped to talk to their children about the birds and bees.

We can help!

Stand Firm Youth offers a sexual risk avoidance & life skills program to empower youth to make healthy decisions.

“Pre-marital sex is putting our students at risk for untimely pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The program successfully provides our students with another option rather than pre-marital sex.” ~ High School Principal

“My life has been changed by this class because now I know how to plan my life out… keep sex within the boundaries of marriage, say no to sex and stay abstinent, what to look for in a guy, and how to stay away from STD’s. I also speak for my parents when I say, ‘thanks a million.'” ~ Female Student

Our Program

Offered to youth, ages 10 to 19, our program is a classroom-based curriculum that teaches students the benefits of abstinence and the risks that can be associated with sexual activity outside of marriage. Students identify personal goals and values, learn resistance skills to help them practice risk avoidance and build relationships without having sex. Additionally, the 7.5 hour program also provides information about male and female reproductive systems and sexually transmitted diseases.

Children need the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to be able to resist the sexual pressures from media, peers, etc. The instruction is grounded in medical, scientific, & social research, which leads to biblically aligned decisions. Parents will receive information on how to opt-out of the DOE sex-ed program.

And, the best part is it’s FREE! Space is limited so register early!


Recently, my son took the Stand Firm Youth workshop and it provided the foundation for open dialog with him. He shared with me that in school, he was asked his opinion about homosexuality. He shared his belief that having sex outside of what God had intended was wrong.

He quickly was out numbered 10 to 1. My son calmly restated his belief and would not back down. He was accused of being a “hater” and reminded his classmates that he never attacked, bullied, or belittled, anyone for any reason. His classmates agreed. My son said, “I am so glad I attended the workshop because they prepared me for this time.” ~ 11th Grader’s Mom

Youth who apply refusal skills and avoid non‑marital sex benefit with:

“Before this class, I thought it didn’t matter when you have sex. After taking the class, it changed me. Thank you for teaching the right time to have sex.” ~ Male Student

Let's Talk!

Protecting and guiding our children is a most crucial role. Yet, we understand that it can be overwhelming at times. Call me or email me with question. Let’s connect! No pressure, promise!


Upcoming Workshops

Weekend of: 
     10/11/24:  4:30 – 8:00pm 
     10/12/24:  9:00 am – 1:30 pm